Tuesday, May 19, 2015

TravianManager Bot v3.4.8 - Games & Entertainment::Online Gaming Software

Sends automatically troops:
You select the villages you want to farm and TravianManager is doing the job automatically. Selects the best villages and calculates the production of the target...
Alerts on attacks:
TravianManager can play sounds on attacks and warn you. You can even get notified by email or icq.
Stay out of troubles:
If a village has to high defense, TravianManager will not visit it anymore.
Evading attacks:
You can set what kind of troops, should be evading attacks. They will be sent away and called back after the attack. This makes you sleep much better...
You can even tell TravianManager to send resources away, if they are not protected by your crannies.
Every alliance member, that is using TravianManager can share his attacks within the alliance. TravianManager will coordinate the attacks - this will prevent to attack the same villages twice. You even can see all attacks from or to the alliance..
And much more.